Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quite the Hiatus, huh?

I haven't given up blogging, I promise. I kind of let Facebook take the place of my blog since it is much less time consuming. I should have the time again once we move to Illinois and get settled. In less than 2 weeks we'll be in a hotel for a week before leaving Germany. I know I'm going to cry when we leave. I have basically LOVED everything about our life we've had here for the last 3 years.

The movers have come and gone, and we've been down to one car for almost 3 weeks. I don't like this part of an overseas move, being without our stuff for months, along with having to get rid of food, 22ov appliances, etc. It's weird being in this 6 bedroom house with very little furniture loaned from the base. At least I have a lot of time to clean the house, instead of trying to do it all in a day.

I'm excited we'll be spending almost 2 weeks with family in Utah before we go to Illinois. My sister's due with her first baby while we're there, so I'm hoping I get to see my new little niece. We're soon off for another adventure!