Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Love My Soldier

Loving a Soldier isn't
always what they say.
And loving him
is a high price to pay.
Its mostly loving
with nothing to hold.
Its being young
yet feeling so old.
Remember he's thinking
of you everyday.
He's sad and lonely
from being away.
So love him, miss him,
And know he's saying,
"I just want to hold her..."
And always be proud
to love your Soldier!


Tina said...

Those are some GREAT pictures Lori!!
I don't know how you are dealing with this. I'm such a needy person and love having Tyler around. I love that poem about your soldier!! I wish you were close so we could get together. I would love to hear more about what you are going through with Ava. I'm sure I could relate somehow and when you have someone to relate to, it sometimes makes it a little better going through it. My email is Hope to hear from you soon!! Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Jason looks good. Did you write that poem?? Love you LYn! Call me soon :)

Cammie said...

That is so sweet! You are such an amazing women. I don't know how you do it, I really don't! I love the pictures, and the pictures you added to your sidebar are so stinkin' cute too! Good luck with everything.

Rick and Danee said...

That made me get teary eyed! Just wanted to let you know that whenever Kayla says a prayer (which she has just decided she needs to do 6 or 7 times a day) she always says "bless Jason in Iraq." It's not always clear cuz she can't say Iraq or Jason very well but we know what she's trying to say. We love you guys!