Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mischief Makers: Makeup and Mudding

Ava got into my makeup while I was changing William and in 5 minutes her face and body were covered with Lancome foundation, various shades of MAC eyeshadow, and pink lipstick. I had to throw away 5 tubes of lipstick! I found the tips smeared all over the rug and double sinks, and shimmery handprints on the granite floor and tiled wall. Following her trail of colors, it appeared as though she tried to wash her hands. The bar of soap didn't do the job, so she must have grabbed my hair stylizer that has a pump. I guess it looked like handsoap?!? That stuff is sticky and kinda like pomade, so it really set in the colors! I don't know how she got into that much trouble in 5 minutes!

Later, Ethan decided 3 of my potted flowers on the patio would be fun to dump out for his trucks to go mudding. William joined in on the fun., and had his first little sampling of soil. Ick! Have you ever heard the saying, "A boy is Truth with dirt on its face"?
For those of you wondering: I really do watch my kids, I promise! And they did their "time" in time-out and sort of helped clean up. What a crazy, messy day!


Cammie said...

Oh my goodness! That is so funny! I'm sure it wasn't all that funny for you though!I bet you about died when you saw those messes. Good luck!

Tina said...

Those kinds of days sure make you grateful for the nice and quiet ones don't they?
We all need a little adventure and craziness in our lives or else we would be bored. But do they need to be so messy all the time?!?

Rick and Danee said...

How funny! I guess not so much for you but it made me smile!