Friday, June 26, 2009

New Bikes

Ethan and Ava have new bikes! They couldn't wait to try them out on the running and bike trail in our village. Ethan even insisted on lowering his seat himself. Ethan did great, riding off with a huge smile. I sure got a workout, chasing after Ethan while pushing William in the stoller and pushing Ava on her bike. She kept putting the brake on by pushing back on the pedal. I had to keep telling her it's not like her trike. Oh, it was really fun trying to push William and Ava up the hill to get home.
Sorry Ava, maybe next time we'll trade your bike for the double stroller so mommy can jog and keep up with Ethan.


Cammie said...

I bet your feeling like you don't want to take them on another bike ride for awhile:) They sure look so cute on their bikes! I can tell that they are loving them! Good luck on your next biking adventure:)

Anonymous said...

How cute. I bet Ethan LOVES that. sounds like you had a super workout too! Keep it up Lolo