Friday, September 11, 2009

Ava's First Day of Preschool

Ava started preschool on Tuesday. She pranced into the classroom and was jumping up and down she was so excited. I was the one who had a difficult time saying goodbye. She's already made a best friend and I've been told she's quite the singer during circle time.


Anonymous said...

She looks like a mini-Lori. She looks so cute and excited!! I can't wait to have you guys come visit

Cammie said...

She is so stinkin' cute! I bet you're glad that she was excited about it instead of being scared.
I'm glad she liked it!

Peaces said...

She is so cute! It's sad how they grow up so fast! When are you guys coming to visit?

Rick and Danee said...

Her and Kayla started on the same day! And I had the same issue, Kayla was so excited she didn't even care when I left. I, on the other hand, felt abandoned and useless for the whole time she was gone..... ;). Ava is a beauty!