Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our Hero

We had a hard time saying goodbye, but we made sure to throw Jason a little surprise going away party the night before he left. The kids made quite an interesting finger paint and helped with the balloons and cake. The cake looked alright until Ava helped herself to part of the bottom (mostly frosting of course). We threw airplanes and talked more about where their daddy was going.

We were as ready as you can be to say goodbye at the terminal, when Jason came back with all his bags saying, "I'm not leaving yet, the plane is delayed". Not a surprise at all- the military flights are rarely on time (so why do they make us show up about 3 hours early?). So, I was way too excited about having Jason for one more night; he left on a shuttle for the Frankfurt airport at 3:30 am. The following morning I saw a plane flying overhead, as I was driving to the base. I completely lied to the kids and told them daddy was on that plane and to wave bye-bye. Ava looked out the window and kept waving until it was out of sight saying, "Bye bye daddy!"

Jason, I LOVE YOU! You are our Hero!

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